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Reasons Behind the Rising Popularity of Veneers in Chandler

Who wouldn’t desire flawless teeth? The fact is everyone does. And now, achieving that ideal smile is easier with the increasing trend of veneers. Veneers, which are incredibly thin coverings made from materials like porcelain, resin, and composite resin, are applied to teeth for a flawless look. Those aiming for a dazzling smile can rely on veneers. The soaring popularity of veneers in Chandler has led to a quest for understanding its underlying reasons.

 Keep reading, and you’ll discover plenty of reasons to back your decision if you’re considering getting veneers.


You will be amazed to see the results of veneers, as they are known for their ability to create stunning transformations. Whether you have chipped, crooked, or discolored teeth, veneers can conceal all the imperfections and work wonders for your confidence and smile. Veneers are designed to match your natural teeth’ color, shape, and alignment, resulting in a flawless, natural look.

Minimal Alteration

Compared to other procedures such as root canals, bridges, or other dentistry procedures, veneers cause minimal alteration to your teeth. Only a thin layer of enamel is scraped so the veneers would stick. Veneers are the best option if you wish for flawless teeth without any extensive procedure.


Veneers can address many dental problems. Whether you have stained teeth, chipped teeth, misaligned teeth, gaps between your teeth, or crooked teeth, veneers in Chandler offer comprehensive solutions for smile makeovers.

Immediate Results

Getting veneers is a non-intrusive process, and it is quicker than other dentistry procedures such as dentures or dental implants. It is one of the most enticing aspects of veneers that you can achieve immediate results. Usually, it only takes two appointments to achieve a perfect smile with veneers. On the first visit, your teeth are examined, and a dental impression is taken to create your customized veneers. You can choose from several options, i.e., composite veneers, porcelain veneers, etc. The prices of veneer types differ based on the material type you choose.

Veneers are an excellent choice for quick improvements to your smile.

Stain resistance

Porcelain veneers are not only durable but also stain-resistant. Unlike natural teeth, veneers are less susceptible to discoloration from common staining culprits like coffee, tea, or red wine. It means your dazzling smile remains vibrant for years to come.

Boost in Confidence

If you are wondering why you should get veneers, stand in front of the mirror and smile. Even if you have a beautiful smile, do you feel self-conscious while smiling confidently around others? If yes, then your self-confidence needs a boost, and veneers can help you on that front.


Every dental procedure requires aftercare, and dental veneers are no different. If you care for them, they last for decades. Porcelain veneers are believed to last for 15-20 years. On the other hand, composite resins last for 4-8 years. So, consider the costs and the longevity before you make a decision.

Precision and Perfection

The popularity of veneers is also attributed to advancements in dental technology. Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology ensures precision in creating veneers that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.

A Better Alternative to Braces

Many people wear braces to straighten or align their teeth, but they can be troublesome if proper care is not taken. If you have minor orthodontic issues, then veneers for teeth are a better, non-invasive alternative. The treatment is quick, effective, and aesthetically better.

Customized Solution

You should know that veneers are custom designed for every individual. They are not taken from a shelf and handed over to you. They are crafted for you.

On your first visit, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send them to a lab for customization. The size of your teeth, color, and shape are considered while crafting them.


The rising popularity of veneers in Chandler is a testament to their ability to provide swift and remarkable smile transformations. They are a reliable solution, and at Peace of Mind Dental Studio, we are seeing a constant surge in the number of individuals who seek veneers as they offer the benefits mentioned above.

Get back your self-confidence with dental veneers. Please book an appointment today and let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Written by Dr. Silverman

Dr. Silverman is the co-founder of Peace of Mind Dental, a Chandler Arizona, general dentistry practice.
