Teeth grinding is not considered a problem usually, but are you aware of its effects and the problems it causes?
Bruxism or teeth grinding is mostly involuntary, which happens during wakefulness and in sleep. While one can control jaw clenching during waking hours, sleep bruxism is another story.
If you also suffer from this problem, you need the best night guard for teeth grinding.
In this blog, you will learn about bruxism, its effects, and how mouthguards can help.
What is Bruxism?
Bruxism is a condition wherein the patient indulges in unusual jaw muscle activity. It includes teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and rubbing teeth against each other due to nervousness, anxiety, stress, or other reasons. Most of the time, it is involuntary, and occasional bruxism doesn’t cause harm.
However, if this occasional grinding turns into chronic bruxism, it has some severe impacts on your oral health.
Sleep bruxism is more dangerous because one can control grinding during waking hours, but how do you know if you also grind teeth during your sleep?
At Peace of Mind Dental Studio, Chandler, we often consult patients who are unaware of this condition. By conducting tests and examining oral health, it is easier to locate that sleep bruxism is the problem. So, read on to the next part and learn about the signs and symptoms of sleep bruxism.
Book an appointment with us and start your Bruxism treatment today.
Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Bruxism
Recognize the signs and symptoms of sleep bruxism by referring to the following points:
Jaw Pain or Discomfort
If you experience constant soreness or pain and discomfort in your jaw after waking up, it can be due to teeth grinding.
Headaches are another side effect of chronic jaw grinding.
Tooth Sensitivity
Another symptom of teeth grinding is tooth sensitivity. Due to enamel wear, teeth become sensitive to hot and cold.
Worn or Chipped Teeth
As the enamel wears down, the teeth become weak and might chip or crack with constant pressure.
Ear Pain
The muscles in your face, ear, and head are connected; thus, grinding your teeth causes ear pain.
Sleep Disruptions
You might not enjoy quality sleep due to bruxism. Most often, the partners notice it and not the patients themselves.
Sleep Bruxism Effects on Jaw
Find out the effects of bruxism on your jaw below:
Muscle Hypertrophy: Grinding strengthens the muscles in your jaw, especially the masseter, and changes your facial structure.
Trismus: It refers to the tightening in the opening of the mouth. You might experience it after waking up.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: This is the bone between your temporal bone and lower jaw. It is like a hinge affected by the grinding, leading to clicking sounds, pain, and other problems.
Treatment Options for Bruxism
Here are the treatment options that we offer at Peace of Mind Dental Studio, Chandler:
Mouth Guards for Grinding Teeth
Mouth guards are the same as retainers, which are fitted into one’s mouth to take the brunt of grinding and protecting teeth. They are made after taking an impression of your teeth to fit perfectly. It is advised to visit Peace of Mind Dental Studio for custom-fitted mouthguards for best results. You can also choose over-the-counter options, but they might have complications.
Dental Corrections
Due to chronic bruxism, the molars might get flat over time, causing problems in chewing. It requires dental corrections to correct the bite.
Other Options
Apart from these treatment options, other options are also available, such as:
Lifestyle Change
Bruxism is often witnessed more in people who consume tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, etc. So, if you want to eliminate this issue, lifestyle changes are required.
Stress Management
Stress is often witnessed as the major factor that drives people to bruxism. It leads to anxiety and other nervous issues that lead to involuntary jaw grinding during sleep. Thus, you need stress management medication to fight bruxism and uproot it completely.
Jaw Exercises
Jaw exercises can also help fight trismus and strengthen the muscles to support the jaw.
When to See A Dentist?
You should book an appointment whenever you witness any of the signs and symptoms discussed above. Maintaining your oral health proactively is advised to avoid major dental problems later on. So, do not consider bruxism as a harmless issue because its effects can be severe.
Why Choose Peace of Mind Dental Studio?
For any dental problem, you deserve a comprehensive treatment, which is only available at Peace of Mind Dental Studio. From diagnosis to complete treatment, we stand by you throughout the journey, offering the best treatment plan for you.
We are the best family dentistry in Chandler and offer only the best to our patients.
Book an appointment today!